
The NewSh*t

Most Fashionable Footballer 2010

We've received a press release for The Most Fashionable Footballer 2010. My first thought was: Fashion.......Footballer?!  I don't see the connection, besides the fact that society adores Footballers and love to put them in a spotlight, apparently even in this way. So why the hell not, request some press tickets and GO! And we did! 
What can we say about the night, we thought it was ok.  A whole lot of people, so a whole lot of blabla. What I really didn't get was, why there was a womens swimwear show, if the whole thing is about men?! Anyway, I think they both enjoyed it, if you know what I mean :p
Surpising was the winner, cause for the last 2 weeks our acquaintance Mr. Gregory van der Wiel, was chosen by the public poll as their no. 1 on their website. But no the big winner was, Kurt Elshot.
At the end of the night, we had fun, met some new people, we can't complain!


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